Saturday, 12 July 2014

15 Signs You're In An Abusive Relationship

If you or someone you love identifies with these signs, it may be time to escape.
Women don't plan to enter into abusive relationships. In fact, many women who have escaped abusive relationships swear to themselves that they will never get into another one, just to find themselves in another one.

Sadly, it takes an average of five to seven acts of violence before a woman leaves her abuser. So, why not plan to not enter into an abusive relationship in the first place? 5 Steps To Escaping An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

It may be easier to avoid an abusive relationship if you're able to detect the early signs. The following list "15 Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship" is distributed by The Women's Center to women seeking domestic violence counseling. A path to a safer, healthier and happier life often starts with a bit of knowledge. If your partner displays the following behaviors, you may be in an abusive relationship. The Happiness Two-Step
1. He pushes for quick involvement.  He comes on strong, claiming, "I've never felt loved like this before by anyone." You get pressured for an exclusive commitment almost immediately.
2. There is jealousy. Your partner is excessively possesive, calls constantly, or visits unexpectedly.
3. He is controlling. He interrogates you intensely about who you talked to and where you were; checks mileage on the car; keeps all the money or asks for receipts; insists you ask for permission to go anywhere or do anything.
4. He has very unrealistic expectations. He expects you to be the perfect person and meet their every need.
5. There is isolation. He tries to cut you off from family and friends; deprives you of a phone or car, or tries to prevent you from holding a job.
6. He blames others for his own mistakes. The boss, family, you - it's always someone else's fault if anything goes wrong.
7. He makes everyone else responsibile for their feelings. The abuser says, "You make me angry" instead of "I'm angry." "I wouldn't get so pissed off if you wouldn't...

Make Your Girlfriend Happy Always; How to Do it.

Do you have a girlfriend? or intend to have one very soon and the thought of how to make your girlfriend happy always is troubling you. You may need not trouble any further as in this article, you’re going to learn what you need to do to make your girlfriend happy always and ensure that there is no dolling moment in your relationship.
Make Your Girlfriend Happy Always 
When a girl is in the hand of a guy who is affectionate and loving, she enjoy it so much that she won’t let anything spoil her happy presence. Girls will always love to be in a relationship with a wonderful guy who treats them in a very special way but it’s not always easy for guys to treat their girls in a special ways at all time, although guys still try hard to make them special but somehow along the way, the treatment get overshadow with some other issues in his life.

Well! If you want to make her happy always, and as well make other couples envies your perfect relationship, you’ll need to think in her perspective. When both lovers in a relationship think from the other partner’s perspective, the relationship can only get better and more loving with time.

Below are the things you need to do to make your girlfriend happy always, get pampered and get pleased.

1. Give her a memorable gift of love on her special occasion

2. Make her friends Jealous her, give her that special love and affection especially when she is in the present of her friends. When her friends notice how good a catch you are, her heart will swell with pride and happiness, and you too will feel you’re doing something great as well.

3. Her friends and family should be your close pal. For every girl, friends and family mean a lot them because these are the people she has shared some intimate details if not all her intimate detail of her dear life with them. She even listen to her friends and family to a large extent that she takes advice from them. So, getting close to these set of people will make her happy the more knowing that her selections of friends are welcome in your side.

4. Give her ultimate attention when she is with you; don’t try to ignore her maybe because of your love for sport at the time she is with you.

5. Give respect to her opinion no matter how silly it looks before you

6. Compromise your wants for her needs, you may want to watch your favourite Manchester United Football team but she want to watch a romantic movie, you have to let her want take the centre state. She will feel more appreciated knowing how you give up on your want for hers.

7. Don’t do things as if you know everything, always ask for her help and opinion

8. Show her public display of affection and make her feel special.

9. Tease her often and make her laugh, just be humorous.

10. Make her feel secure, girls love to be protected by their boyfriends

11.  Give much of your attention to her

13. Make sure there is enough communication between both of you at all time.

14. Women love compliments because it makes them feel much more appreciated, so, you need to compliments her to feel that appreciation.

15. Let her understand that you’re just lucky to have such a nice girl like her, and make sure you remind her of this always.
You may not totally accept the 15 points I mention above but I can tell you that, no girl will ever get them from her boyfriend and still remain unhappy in the relationship. They are just happiness string that you can pull at all time and make your girlfriend happy always.

5 Tips For How To Dress For Sex

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The first thing guys should know about dressing for sex is not to make it obvious. Subtle is sexy. A T-shirt that says, “I want to sleep with you” is not. All clothing items should fit comfortably but not sleazily tight. You may also want to opt for things that are easy to get on and off, keeping belts, buckles and laces to a minimum. Once you have the basics down, it’s time to go into further details with other tips that can make the ladies swoon without realizing you’ve consciously dressed for sex.
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Show off your butt – tastefully. Showing off your butt does not, repeat, does not mean wearing those prison-inspired baggy pants that let the wind whoosh through your butt crack. A slim-fitting pair of jeans can work wonders as a guy’s butt is one of the first things gals notice. Why else do you think your girlfriend honestly doesn’t mind watching football?

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Invest in good underwear. What counts as good underwear is subjective, but there are some ground rules. No holes. No rips. No sayings like “Kiss It, I’m Irish.” Tighty whities look like little boy undies, as do those with superhero logos. Go for a fitted pair of boxer briefs that show off your assets. Men tend to keep their underwear for years, even decades, but do your sex life a favor and get some fresh BVDs before you look to get busy.
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Be casual, but neat. Dressing casual is A-OK as a sex prompt, as it shows you are laid back, perhaps a bit wild and ready to have some fun. Casual, however, can easily turn to cruddy and a total turnoff if you interpret the word to mean “sloppy.” A comfy T-shirt is one thing. A comfy T-shirt with stains streaming from the armpits and rips up the front is another. Yuck.

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Wear touchable stuff. If you can afford cashmere, go for it – as long as it’s not pink. Otherwise opt for cheaper cozy, cushy fabrics for sweaters and heavier duds made out of stuff a woman would want to touch. You may be amazed at how many women can’t keep their hands off a soft, plush jacket. Fleece is a good bet, as is mohair, although that may be pushing the bounds of good taste. Just make sure that whatever you choose, you keep it clean.
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Give a glimpse of skin (that’s NOT man cleavage). Man cleavage is a total turnoff, especially when Eric Roberts got into the phase in a slate of really bad movies. Women do not want to see your nipples. They want to see your man boobs even less. We already warned the butt crack is out. What ladies do want to see is a bit of muscle, such as strong shoulders, an irresistible bicep or delicious-looking forearm. Guys in short shorts look stupid; keep the glimpses to above the waist. Wear clothes that give off a seductive peek without looking like you’re heading to the beach.

5 Ways to Make My Boyfriend Happy

Like many women around the world, you may sometimes wonder what would make your boyfriend happy. Being in a relationship can  often be challenging and frustrating. Here are a few quick tips to make sure that communication remains open and your relationship is a happy and fruitful one.
boyfriend tips relationship advice

1. Your boyfriend needs to feel that you appreciate him, and yes he needs this ego boosting on a regular basis. Complement him regularly on his positive qualities, achievements, and strengths, recognize his successes and do not dwell unnecessarily on his failures. Your boyfriend needs to know that you are proud to have him in your life and that he means the world to you. He also needs to feel capable and strong. So, every now and then, let him do manly things for you. This will help you make your boyfriend happy.
2. Men usually love sporting events; if they're not participating, then definitely watching live or on tv. As annoying as this might seem to you, it is the male way of destressing. It will definitely make a man happy to have his girlfriend along, either cheering with him at the games, or giving him his space to watch his favorite sport with his buddies.
3. Encourage your boyfriend to spend time with his male friends. This not only shows that you trust him, but also establishes your own freedom and gives you time to spend with your girlfriends. Getting approval from his male friends is very important for your boyfriend even when it comes to you, so grin and bear their jokes, even if they may not have the humor that you are used to.
4. Cook him his favorite food. The surest way to a man’s heart is definitely through his stomach.
5. One of the most important tips for keeping your boyfriend happy is to be happy yourself. If you show that you are genuinely happy to have him as your boyfriend, it will make a world of difference to the relationship.

How To Stop Your breast From Sagging

A sagging or drooping breast is a natural, inevitable process that most women experience at some points in their lives. Women tend to be bothered by this life’s normal process, because they feel it makes them unattractive.

Drooping breast are said to occur with age, but a breast can actually start sagging at any age simply because they do not have muscles in them…
While the causes of sagging are not known, many schools of thought attribute the cause of this phenomenon to breast-feeding. But many researches and studies have shown that this is a complete myth.

Outcomes of studies and researches have found that expansion and contraction of milk glands during pregnancy and not breast-feeding is responsible.In some cases, it even happens without pregnancy.
Sagging can happen sooner than expected, except those with very small breasts. It is not uncommon to see teens with drooping breasts. Another reason breasts are thought to sag is excessive weight. Being overweight puts extra tissues on the breasts, which make them heavier and therefore sag.
Breast sagging cannot be totally prevented. Even with breast lift surgery, the results are not permanent, because the skin and the ligaments will eventually stretch.
However, there are a few things you can do:

Massage Your Breasts

This may sound strange, as most people are familiar with body massage and not breast massage. But the best and easiest way to reduce the potential problems of sagging and fibro cystic lumps is to self massage your breasts at least three to five times in a week. This works in two ways. One, it releases stagnated fluids in the breast. Secondly, it helps in reshaping and lifting the breasts. For optimum results, use natural, organic breast massage oils made just for breasts.Use Correct Bra
Correct choice of bra can help reduce incidence of breast sagging. While you are getting dressed, make sure your straps are adjusted correctly. For those that are busty, choose bras that are specially designed for large breasts. For women who do sports that involve a lot of movement, such as running or football, it is important to wear supportive sports bra.
When breasts bounce a lot during sports, it can stretch and harm the ligaments inside the breasts. Avoid going bra-less, because going without a bra for too long will further stretch the breast tissues. Bras should also be worn correctly by ensuring that the middle of the bra is centred within your body.

Maintain A Steady Weight

Adding and shedding weight causes changes in the size of breasts. Excessive weight causes the breasts to enlarge, which stretches the skin. When you shed weight, the breast skin becomes stretched, making the breast appear empty with a saggy look.
Try to maintain a stable weight by exercising and eating a balanced diet. Eating whole grains with plenty of vegetables and avoiding junk foods also helps to maintain a steady weight. One hour of walk or half an hour of aerobics everyday helps to keep the metabolism up and the weight steady.

Stop Smoking (if you do)

The side effects of smoking are numerous, and breast sagging is one of them. When a person smokes, the carcinogens present in the smoke enter the body and cause elastin to break down in the body. Elastin fibres are responsible for skin suppleness; meaning the absence of these fibres causes the skin to sag. These fibres are found in breast tissues, and over time, smoking can lead to breakdown of tissues that result in sagging breasts.

Mind Your Exercise

When it comes to exercise, it may be both good and bad for the breasts. The right method can keep the breasts firm by providing better blood supply. While there are no muscles in the breast itself, it is possible to build up the underlying pectorals for a lifting effect. But exercises like running may harm. While running without proper support, the breasts bounce in a figure of eight. This causes wear and tear on the supporting ligaments.

In a research, it was found that breasts move an average of 10cms up and down, side-to-side and forwards and backwards while running. The larger the size, the greater the force on the breasts and the more they need to be restrained to avoid harm to the ligaments and connective tissue. This is why it is very important to wear a sports bra whenever you exercise.

7 Health Benefits Of Eating Pawpaw

Sure, you know that pawpaw is a fruit; you rightfully assume it’s good for you, but do you know that the benefits of eating pawpaw go far beyond the generic boost of vitamin C.

Papaya Contains Antioxidants

One of the benefits of eating papaya is that it helps to prevent cancer. Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants that the body needs to fight against cancer-causing cells. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotenes are antioxidants that prevent all kinds of cancers. So adding a daily serving of papaya to your diet may lessen your risk of developing cancer.

Papaya is Used to Treat Digestive Disorders

Papaya is a great source of proteolytic enzymes that are very important in digesting food. The most important of these proteolytic enzymes found in papaya is papain. Papain breaks down proteins in food, allowing for better digestion. Papain is used in prescription of digestive enzymes to treat individuals with cystic fibrosisor pancreatic conditions; producing for them what the body cannot produce naturally. Eating papaya is also a benefit because papain taken orally treats less serious digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion. In these cases papain is extracted, dried and sold as tablets.

Papaya Boosts Male Virility

Another great benefit of papaya is to boost male virility. Papaya contains an enzyme called arginine which is known in the medically community to boost blood flow around the man-hood. Arginine boosts nitric acid in the body to relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels tat supply the man-hood. These blood vessels then dilate and increase blood flow. A more concentrated form of arginine is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Papaya Prevents Premature Aging

Many alternative medical practitioners believe that one of the benefits of papaya is to control premature aging. Papaya helps the body to properly digest food and when the body digests all the nutrients it needs, the body will remain vital for a long time.

Papaya is Used as a Cleanser

Taking a quarter pint (150ml) of papaya juice, cucumber juice and green bean juice in alternating hours for 12 hours can be a benefit to your colon. These juices work as potent natural cleansers when combined.
Papaya is also rich in fiber, which travels through the body and binds itself to cancer-causing toxins in the colon. The fiber in papaya flushes out the toxins in the colon and so one of the benefits of papaya is that it helps prevent colon cancer especially, due to its antioxidants and its fiber content.

Papaya Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes

The antioxidants in papaya prevent cholesterol from oxidizing. When cholesterol becomes oxidized it forms plaque in the blood vessel walls that can eventually build up and cause a heart attack or stroke.
Also, fiber is known to lower cholesterol. The fiber in papaya converts a substance called homocysteine into harmless amino acids that the body can process, but without the breakdown, homocysteine can eventually damage blood vessel walls, causing strokes or heart attacks.

Papaya Treats Inflammation

Papain and chymopapain, protein-digestive enzymes found in papaya lowers inflammation and improve healing from burns. Papain breaks down the inactive proteins in the skin, removing dead tissue from burns. This benefits the body as it helps heal skin injuries, relieves psoriasis, removes warts, treats ringworms and cold sores.
Also vitamins C, E and beta carotenes are good at reducing inflammation and as such these nutrients are used to treat asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis among many other inflammatory ailments.